AR Kaisaiyu

An experiential virtual AR public bath tour

Size: Dimension variable
Material: SmartPhone, Computer AR programs in former public bath
Year: 2020

"Kaisaiyu" was a public bath in a downtown area in Taito-ku, Tokyo. Since 1928, it has been appreciated by the local people. In 2016, the bathhouse had to be closed, due to deterioration of the building and bathhouse equipment. However, the bathhouse owner wanted to protect the building and preserve its history for future generations. A local construction company was entrusted with the restoration of the building. They transformed the traditional bath house into a modern-day cafe and office space while keeping the original features of the building intact.
Inspired by the history of Kaisaiyu, we created an art works using AR technology. In this special space, we have set up a "wall to overcome" that can only be realized and experienced by AR. The anthropomorphic birds and beasts separated from the wall dividing the center of the public bath, which was removed at the time of remodeling. The audience can cross the imaginary wall made with CG. It is also an experience that connects the boundary between disguise and reality. We can cross boundaries.

Art direction, Graphic design, and AR Program: QinQan
Film Edit : Yota Tomohisa
Photographer: Naoki Yasuda
Technical consultant: James Heil
